In this moment, do me a favor. Think about the people in your lives... especially those you cannot be close to just now. Think about people who do not have jobs, a home, or meaning in their lives. So many people are suffering in ways they could not have imagined.
COVID-19 is shining the brightest spotlight on our lives. That spotlight is highlighting, for many of us, what is truly important. People and relationships are what matter now.
You can do something to help others, you know. We all can.
I happen to be in an "essential business." So, I give. Because I can. Because it is the compassionate thing to do... the human, humane thing to do.
There are a multitude of causes out there. Choose one. Give if you can. And, when doors open again, volunteer.
Let's show each other, and ourselves, that COVID-19 isn't going to beat us... not now and not in the future.
And when this time of contagion is (hopefully soon) just a memory, as terrible as it has been, it will be a story to tell.
"Did I ever tell you, children and grandchildren, about the pandemic? How I did my best to act with sympathy, and empathy, and compassion? And how I saw so many other people act with sympathy, empathy, compassion?"
Be your absolute best self under this COVID-19 spotlight. There's nothing we cannot do in this moment.
Links and more...
Take Care of Yourself
Mental Health resources:
NAMI - Greater Milwaukee
NAMI - National
To Write Love on Her Arms - "A non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire, and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery."
Articles on depression:
Just Snap Out of It - Four Hidden Truths
About Depression
30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself
Take Care of Others
Joyful Heart Foundation - "The vision of the Joyful Heart Foundation is a world free of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse."
ASTEP - Artists Striving to End Poverty - working "transform the lives of youth using the most powerful tool they had: their art."